How to Build a Massive Email List from Scratch

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Email marketing is more powerful than social media or SEO and if you’re Building a business in the internet age then you need to build your email marketing list – fast! These tips will help you build your list from scratch. Join my newsletter:

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Look, if you use email, you can pretty much guarantee you will be marketing to warm, interested leads.

No, we are not talking about SPAM.

We are talking about email that is built on a list of users who asked YOU specifically to keep in touch about your products, services, or knowledge.

Did you know…

Email marketing drives more conversions than search and social? (Monetate)

Email is 6x more likely to get a click-through than a tweet? (Campaign Monitor)

Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter? (McKinsey)

If you still haven’t started email marketing, then you may want to start here…


W H O I S O W E N V I D E O ?

I’m a YouTube expert with over 3 million minutes of watch time. My clients are brands, business owners, and video entrepreneurs who want to make money with online video and Youtube marketing.

I may be available for sponsored videos, private coaching or speaking engagements. You can also follow my podcast, my live show, and my other channels at this link:

E X T R A S T U F F 😎

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